Jewish Identity Today

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas Tree

This past week there was some controversy in the Seattle airport. A Jewish man requested that a menorah be put up in the airport for holiday decoration in addition to the 40 Christmas trees. The airports response to this was to take down all the Christmas trees. The reasoning was that they didn't have the time to come up with a Chanukah decoration. They also said that if they put up decorations for Chanukah then they would have to do something for all cultures that are celebrating this time of year and they didn't feel right spending all that money on holiday decorations when they needed more security funding. Personally I think that's crap. Yes, the trees weren't decked out in little baby Jesuses (is that the plural form?) but a tree around Christmas time represents Christmas! I don't think there's anything wrong with them putting the trees up, but I do have a problem with them ignoring all other cultures and religions. And the fact that they can't validate spending money on putting up a menorah but it's all fine and dandy to put up FORTY Christmas trees really burns me.

The Jewish man that initially filed the request for a menorah to be added later said that he did not want for the trees to be taken down. He only wanted that other cultures/religions be acknowledged. The media, on the other hand, really played it off as "uh-oh the Jews are mad." When I first saw the story on, the headline made me mad at the man becuase it made it sound like he was angry and asked to have the trees taken down. Once I watched the video online though I saw that that was not the case. I dislike how the media portrays events like this. For people who may not have read the article or watched the video they might be mad that the Jews had the trees taken down.


Blogger l said...

I completely agree; the media is definetly skewing the situation out in Seattle. SeaTac- realized that they were probably not being the most politically direct and they took the tree's down after the Rabbi pointed it out-- not that the Rabbi forced them to take the trees down. Ugh! Just shows how the media skews everything... But are we still getting a skewed view.. the world may never know.

5:35 PM  
Blogger jweprin said...

I really dislike hearing things such as the incident at the Seattle airport. Definitely shows a lot about how people are, and to think that I actually liked Seattle!! Obviously, that incident was not between everyone who lives in Seattle but it is just sad to hear that things like that happen in cities or places you like. People do have the right to freedom of speech and freedom of expressing oneself. However in such a public place like an airport, you would think that the people in charge of decorating would not only think of themselves but would think about all the other billions of different types of people out in the world who believe in a variety of other things.

10:27 PM  

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